You are given a string s
. We want to partition the string into as many parts as possible so that each letter appears in at most one part.
Return a list of integers representing the size of these parts.
Example 1:
Input: s = “ababcbacadefegdehijhklij”
Output: [9,7,8]
The partition is "ababcbaca", "defegde", "hijhklij".
This is a partition so that each letter appears in at most one part.
A partition like "ababcbacadefegde", "hijhklij" is incorrect, because it splits s into less parts.
Example 2:
Input: s = “eccbbbbdec”
Output: [10]
1 <= s.length <= 500
consists of lowercase English letters.class Solution:
def partitionLabels(self, s: str) -> List[int]:
letters = list(s)
result = []
position = [0] * 26
for i in range(len(letters)):
position[ord(letters[i]) - ord('a')] = i
i = 0
prev = -1
max_pos = 0
while i < len(letters):
if position[ord(letters[i]) - ord('a')] > max_pos:
max_pos = position[ord(letters[i]) - ord('a')]
if i == max_pos:
result.append(i - prev)
prev = i
i += 1
return result