
10. Regular Expression Matching


Given an input string s and a pattern p, implement regular expression matching with support for '.' and '*' where:

The matching should cover the entire input string (not partial).

Example 1:

Input: s = “aa”, p = “a”

Output: false

Explanation: “a” does not match the entire string “aa”.

Example 2:

Input: s = “aa”, p = “a*”

Output: true

Explanation: ‘*’ means zero or more of the preceding element, ‘a’. Therefore, by repeating ‘a’ once, it becomes “aa”.

Example 3:

Input: s = “ab”, p = “.*”

Output: true

Explanation: “.*” means “zero or more (*) of any character (.)”.

Example 4:

Input: s = “aab”, p = “c*a*b”

Output: true

Explanation: c can be repeated 0 times, a can be repeated 1 time. Therefore, it matches “aab”.

Example 5:

Input: s = “mississippi”, p = “mis*is*p*.”

Output: false


Here are the steps for the recursive approach:

Recursive Approach:

  1. Base Cases:
    • If the pattern p is empty, the matching is successful if the string s is also empty. Return True if both are empty; otherwise, return False.
    • If the pattern p has only one character or the next character is not '*', check if the first characters of s and p match. If yes, move to the next characters of both s and p; otherwise, return False.
  2. Handle ‘*’ Character:
    • If the next character in p is '*', there are two possibilities:
      • Skip the '*' and the preceding character in p (i.e., match zero occurrences of the preceding character).
      • Match one occurrence of the preceding character in p with the current character in s.
  3. Recursive Calls:
    • Recursively call the function with updated s and p for the possibilities mentioned in step 2.
  4. Return Result:
    • Return True if any recursive call returns True; otherwise, return False.

Python Code (Recursive):

class Solution:
    def isMatch(self, s: str, p: str) -> bool:
        # Base cases
        if not p:
            return not s

        first_match = bool(s) and (s[0] == p[0] or p[0] == '.')

        # Handle '*' character
        if len(p) >= 2 and p[1] == '*':
            return (self.isMatch(s, p[2:]) or
                    (first_match and self.isMatch(s[1:], p)))
            return first_match and self.isMatch(s[1:], p[1:])

# Example Usage:
solution = Solution()

# Example 1:
s1, p1 = "aa", "a"
print(solution.isMatch(s1, p1))  # Output: False

# Example 2:
s2, p2 = "aa", "a*"
print(solution.isMatch(s2, p2))  # Output: True

# Example 3:
s3, p3 = "ab", ".*"
print(solution.isMatch(s3, p3))  # Output: True

# Example 4:
s4, p4 = "aab", "c*a*b"
print(solution.isMatch(s4, p4))  # Output: True

# Example 5:
s5, p5 = "mississippi", "mis*is*p*."
print(solution.isMatch(s5, p5))  # Output: False

This code defines a Solution class with a method isMatch that takes a string s and a pattern p as input and returns True if they match and False otherwise. The example usage demonstrates how to create an instance of the Solution class and call the isMatch method with different inputs using the recursive approach.