Given a signed 32-bit integer x
, return x
with its digits reversed. If reversing x
causes the value to go outside the signed 32-bit integer range [-231, 231 - 1]
, then return 0
Assume the environment does not allow you to store 64-bit integers (signed or unsigned).
Example 1:
Input: x = 123
Output: 321
Example 2:
Input: x = -123
Output: -321
Example 3:
Input: x = 120
Output: 21
Example 4:
Input: x = 0
Output: 0
-231 <= x <= 231 - 1
import "math"
func reverse(x int) int {
var r int
for ok := true; ok; ok = x != 0 {
if r > math.MaxInt32/10 || r < math.MinInt32/10 {
return 0
r = (x % 10) + (r * 10)
x /= 10
return r